mercredi 14 décembre 2011

L'homme que j'aime

1 commentaire:

  1. The Man I love from George Gershwin


    When the mellow moon begins to beam,
    Ev'ry night I dream a little dream,
    And of course Prince Charming is the theme,
    The he for me.
    Although I realize as well as you
    It is seldom that a dream comes true,
    For/To me it's clear
    That he'll appear.

    Some day he'll come along,
    The man I love
    And he'll be big and strong,
    The man I love
    And when he comes my way
    I'll do my best to make him stay.

    He'll look at me and smile
    I'll understand ;
    And in a little while,
    He'll take my hand ;
    And though it seems absurd,
    I know we both won't say a word

    Maybe I shall meet him Sunday
    Maybe Monday, maybe not ;
    Still I'm sure to meet him one day
    Maybe Tuesday will be my good news day

    He'll build a little home
    Just meant for two,
    From which I'll never roam,
    Who would - would you ?
    And so all else above
    I'm waiting for the man I love.


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