Le journal quotidien - non hétérophobe - de
Silvano Mangana (nom de plume Louis Arjaillès). Maison de confiance depuis 2007.

"La gravité est le plaisir des sots"
(Alexandre Vialatte)

vendredi 27 janvier 2023

Tout corps...

2 commentaires:

Claude a dit…

Archimède bien sur!
Aurait-il apprécié un corps a corps?

Carl Robert a dit…

I love this photo; it's practically an interwebs classic. This is how I'd love to spend a sultry summer day, just floating aimlessly.

The odd thing about this photo is that in the monochrome version his name is Luke Toniolo and in the color version his name is David St. James. (Reason #17, at least, to hate the internet.) LOL