Le journal quotidien - non hétérophobe - de
Silvano Mangana (nom de plume Louis Arjaillès). Maison de confiance depuis 2007.

"La gravité est le plaisir des sots"
(Alexandre Vialatte)

samedi 19 mars 2011

Revue de blogs

Les images préférées
de Gay Cultes
chez nos voisins blogueurs
(liens colonne de droite).
Cette semaine :

- Another Country -

- Hawt -

- Mélange -

- Z reveal's -

- Niño de mis Ojos -

1 commentaire:

Frank a dit…

It pleases me that you have re-blogged from HAWT my image of the lovely young man silencing others so that his sleeping man be allowed to restore his strength for more play between the two of them. I made it from a gray background and two utterly separate photos by two different photographers - and I hope that neither of them minds the result.